Latest News

By Joseph Smith

2022 ANNUAL ENROLLMENTMONDAY, MAY 2 – FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2022Dear City of Boston Employee,

Annual enrollment for the City of Boston’s health insurance benefits will take place from May 2nd – May 20th, for coverage effective July 1st, 2022. During this enrollment period, you have the opportunity to enroll in or change your health insurance coverage. If you do not wish to make any changes to your current coverage, you do not need to do anything. Your current coverage will carry over on July 1st, 2022.

If you are interested in adding, dropping, or making other changes to your coverage, you must submit an enrollment application to the Health Benefits & Insurance Division by May 20th, 2022. If you are adding a spouse or dependent, you will be required to provide proof of eligibility, such as a certified marriage or birth certificate. All necessary documents must be submitted together, otherwise, partial documents will be voided. To submit forms, employees can:Drop-off / Mail: 1 City Hall Square Room 807 Boston, MA 02201Email: hbi@boston.govFax: (617) 635-3932Plan Comparison Charts:FY23 Non-Medicare Plan Comparison ChartFY22-FY23 Rate Comparison – Non-Medicare PlansSummary of Benefits and Coverage:AllWays HMO SBC FY23BCBS HMO SBC FY23BCBS PPO SBC FY23Forms:

Non-Medicare Enrollment Form_7.1.22Basic Life Insurance Enrollment FormUpcoming Annual Enrollment / Wellness FairsVisit a fair to learn more about your benefits and check out some of our wellness offerings! Get a chair massage, a biometric screening, learn about hydration, and many more offerings!3MAYFlorian Hall10 a.m. – 3 p.m.9MAYBoston Teachers Union2 p.m. – 6 p.m.16MAYCity Hall 5th Floor, Piemonte Room10 a.m. – 4 p.m.Opt-Out Program is June 6–24Active employees, who were previously or are currently enrolled for at least 12 months, who choose to receive coverage under another medical plan outside the City of Boston’s group coverage, may waive their City of Boston plan and receive an annual opt-out payment. Based on your union code, the program differs in stipulations and payment. Contact HBI during the program to participate.For more information, visit boston.gov/city-workers or contact Health Benefits & Insurance at hbi@boston.gov or 617-635-4570.
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