Congress Needs to Act!

Latest News

By Joseph Smith

Last week, we told you about two critical steelworker priorities before Congress as the 117th session comes to a close. Reauthorization of Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and adequate funding of the NLRB are essential to ensuring USW members get the help they need when they are abandoned by the greedy corporations they helped build due to unfair trade policies, or their rights are violated on the job.

But you don’t have to take our word for it. Below are direct examples of USW members and facilities negatively affected by Congress’s inaction on these two vital worker protections.

In Paducah, Kentucky, we filed a charge against Four Rivers Nuclear Partnership on January 6, 2022. The charge alleges that the Company failed to provide information, hired subcontractors during bargaining in violation of the status quo, and engaged in surface bargaining. At one point, the investigating agent told us that the Region was overloaded with other cases. Just recently, we were told by the Region that they are going to find merit, but have not heard any updates since then. Still, it’s been almost a year, and in the meantime, we have been trying to negotiate a first contract. (USW District 8 / NLRB Region 10)

In Danville, Pennsylvania, Dan Sigafoos, president of USW Local 10-580, personally knows how important reauthorization of TAA benefits are to USW members. The Merck facility where his members work announced earlier this year that they planned to send jobs overseas and close the facility completely within the next two years. These members could be eligible for TAA benefits but without reauthorization, they can’t even start the process to apply.

Congress needs to act now. You can help!

Join Our Day of Action,

Call and Email Your Senators Tomorrow!

Collective action is the core of the labor movement’s power. When we join together for a common goal nothing can stop us. Tomorrow, union members from across the labor movement will be making calls, sending emails, and more, to draw attention to these critical issues. Let’s make sure USW members lead the way!

Click HERE to send an email to your Senators.

Senate Toll-Free Number:

(Remember to make two calls to be connected to both your Senators.)


Tell them who you are, where you are from, and that they must reauthorize TAA and fund the NLRB.

Click HERE for a printable version to distribute in your workplace.

(412) 562-2291

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