Email Resorts World executives and tell them that you stand with the workers and their union!

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By Joseph Smith

Resorts World Las Vegas pledged to be neutral when maintenance workers and slot machine technicians started organizing. Days later, it broke that pledge and started intimidating and interrogating workers.  Will you take 30 seconds to send a note to Resorts World executives to tell them you stand with the workers?
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During construction, Resorts World Las Vegas publicly stated it would be a union-friendly property.  For the Culinary Union and the Bartenders Union, Resorts World pledged to be neutral, and the workers were able to form a union after a card-check. Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 501 approached Resorts World, hoping to form a similar positive relationship for its members who are maintenance workers and slot machine technicians.  Management asked Local 501 to give them more “runway” time before starting the union recognition process. In a show of good faith, workers agreed to wait.  After 10 months of waiting, workers voted unanimously to move forward and request union recognition. In response, Resorts World pledged to work with them in good faith. Days later, Resorts World broke its pledge and started union-busting—holding captive audience meetings, passing out anti-union literature and encouraging workers to vote against forming a union.  This is unacceptable.  Resorts World can still honor the promise it made to its workers by recognizing the union and bargaining in good faith. Take 30 seconds to send a letter to Resorts World executives, telling them to keep their promise and that you support the workers. In Solidarity, Team AFL-CIO
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