Employee Wellness Portal

Latest News

By Joseph Smith


Come Join Today

Visit.bostonwellness.livehealthyignite.com today!.
Your new wellness portal features a recipe database, deals at your local grocery store, workout videos, optional year-round activity tracking, device syncing, and more. Even better, you will use the site to participate in group challenges all year long!
Join Today

It’s a Great Day to Get Started – Here’s How:
Enter your Group Code- wellness2018
Create your account by entering your name, email address, username and password.
Please note- your password must be 8 characters in length.
You’ll receive a confirmation email; click the link to confirm your account information.
Log in to your account and complete your profile.
That’s it! Once you’re registered, you’re free to use the meal planner to monitor your diet, find the perfect workout video, or sync apps and devices. Explore the website and see how it can help you on your wellbeing journey.

Questions? We’re here to help!
info@navigatewell.com | (888) 282-0822


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