Labor Movement Blasts Opposition to TAA, Calls on Congress to Prioritize Working Families

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By Joseph Smith

Labor Movement Blasts Opposition to TAA, Calls on Congress to Prioritize Working Families
A few weeks before Election Day, some members of Congress are making it clear they’re not on the side of working people. As debate rages over whether to re-up funding for Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), Republican leaders in Congress would prefer to play political games over this program that helps workers upskill and establish new careers when unfair trade kills their jobs. “Congress missed a series of opportunities to reauthorize TAA as a result of Republican obstruction, and Republicans are now yet again standing in the way of helping working families by blocking job training funds that should be going to their own states,” said United Steelworkers (USW) International President Tom Conway. “Unfortunately, this stance on TAA is part of a larger pattern of Republicans blocking measures that would help workers on trade.”
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