No “Right to Work” in New Hampshire!

2021, Latest News

By Joseph Smith

Your Hard Work Paid Off!

New Hampshire’s “Right to Work” legislation has been defeated! Early this year we asked for your help to stop New Hampshire Senate Bill 61. You made phone calls, sent letters, and even took to Twitter to tell the members of the New Hampshire state legislature that “Right to Work” is WRONG for workers and WRONG for New Hampshire. While this bill did pass in the Senate, your commitment and dedication to stopping this anti-worker legislation paid off late yesterday afternoon when it was defeated in the House with a bipartisan vote to indefinitely postpone. YOU stopped “Right to Work” from becoming the law of the land in New Hampshire!

How Did Your Representative Vote?

The final vote to indefinitely postpone this bill was 196 Yeas to 178 Nays!

To find out if your Representative voted with us to protect New Hampshire workers, Click HERE.

To find out if your Representative voted against workers and with out of state lobbyist, Click HERE.

Not sure who represents you? Click HERE to find out.

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