Secure Your Right to Vote

Latest News

By Joseph Smith

Your Senators need to hear from you today!

The right to vote for who we want to represent us is the foundational cornerstone of our democracy. Our ability to cast our ballot each Election Day is fundamental to our system of government. Yet, between January 1 and December 7 of 2021, at least 19 states passed 34 laws restricting access to voting. American democracy is under threat.

Congress has stopped bad election laws before, they can do it again – if they can get out of their own way.

The U.S. Senate is considering the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act which would:

  • require early voting in all fifty states
  • create a national standard for mail voting
  • give Americans a public holiday to vote
  • establish clear federal redistricting standards to stop gerrymandered districts
  • create automatic voter registrations

It shouldn’t be this hard to pass laws that help people vote. However, Senate filibuster rules established around WWI, that have been modified multiple times since, are making it easier for a minority of Senators to stop these bills.

Congress regularly changes its rules, it’s time they change the rules to ensure all people have a say during elections.

Tell the U.S. Senate to Sideline the Filibuster and Protect Voting Rights!

Here are two ways you can help:

1. Click HERE to send a letter to your Senators asking them to end the filibuster and support the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.

2. Call your Senators at 1-877-607-0785.

Tell them who you are, where you are from, and urge them to end the filibuster and support the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.

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