Steelworkers, Make Your Plan to Vote!


By Joseph Smith

Steelworkers, Make Your Plan to Vote!

Click here to find your state’s voting information and check your registration status.

When union members cast their ballots, it makes our year-round work stronger because elected officials are more responsive to those who vote. It’s also a way we hold lawmakers accountable and keep our issues on their radar. Showing up to vote plays a role in the success or failure of these efforts.

Registering to vote ensures that you can exercise this right and have a say in how your government operates. Proper representation help ensures that your interests and needs are considered in the political process and influences policies that impact our union’s core values. Being a registered voter also connects you to your community and keeps you informed and involved in local, state, and national matters.

Here are a few reasons to check your voter registration status:

Ensure Eligibility: Checking your status confirms that you are eligible to vote in upcoming elections. It ensures that your registration is active and your information is up to date.
Avoid Problems on Election Day: Verifying your registration ahead of time can prevent issues at the polls, such as being turned away or needing to cast a provisional ballot.
Update Information: If you’ve moved, changed your name, or had any other changes in personal information, checking your status allows you to update your registration to reflect these changes.
Deadlines: Election laws vary by state, and there are deadlines for registering and updating information. Checking your status helps ensure you meet these deadlines and are eligible to vote.
Peace of Mind: Knowing your registration status is confirmed and accurate provides peace of mind, allowing you to focus on making informed decisions when voting.
Take a quick moment to check your voter registration status HERE.

By voting this year, you help build power for working people. When union members and our families vote, those in office are more responsive to our needs. So please make sure that you have a plan to vote!

Want to Know Another Way to Help Protect Democracy? Be a Poll Worker!

Another key way you can help ensure fair and accessible elections nationwide is by working the polls on Election Day. By signing up to be a poll worker, you can help make sure elections run smoothly and polling places stay open in your own community by signing up to be a poll worker HERE.

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