Tell the Senate to Pass the PRO Act

2021, Latest News

By Joseph Smith

Contact Your Senators Today!

Today, on Workers Memorial Day, we are acutely aware that workers’ safety and their ability to have a voice on the job are intricately connected. As we grieve those we have lost from COVID-19 and other workplace hazards, we must fight and continue to push forward. One critical way to do that is to pass the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.  

In the last session of Congress, the PRO Act passed the House on a bipartisan basis but the Senate refused to bring the bill up for a vote. On March 9 of this year, the House again passed this historic piece of labor legislation by a bipartisan vote of 225-206. We now look to the Senate to do their job and give this bill (S.420) the consideration it is due.

The PRO Act: Worker Safety and Worker Voice

  • Organizing for Safer Workplaces – Decades of evidence shows that unionized workplaces are safer workplaces.
  • Making Worker’s Voices Heard – As we grow our movement, we must use worker voices to advocate for a strong workplace safety agenda. Being in a union gives us the power to do that.
  • Collectively Stepping Up – Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, unions and our allies stepped into action to demand and win protections on the job from this highly contagious virus.

We Need Action Steelworkers!

Here are two ways you can make your voice heard:

  • Click HERE to send an email to your Senators urging them to support the PRO Act.
  • Call your Senators at 877-607-0785, tell them who you are, where you are from, and that you are counting on them to PASS the PRO Act.

Today, our union will observe Workers Memorial Day to remember those who have suffered and died on the job and to renew the fight for safe jobs. We will come together this year to call for action to protect workers from COVID-19 at work and stronger job safety and health protections and enforcement. Click HERE to watch the USW tribute premiering at 10:00 am.

Click HERE for a printable version to distribute in your workplace.

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