Time to Step Up for Our Tire Sector

2021, Latest News

By Joseph Smith

Contact your Senators and Representatives TODAY!

As the largest union in tire manufacturing, the USW has taken the threat of increased dumped and subsidized tire imports seriously. We successfully petitioned to use a 421 investigation against China, which was followed by multiple successful anti-dumping and countervailing (AD/CVD) petitions against India and China on an array of tire products. We are also part of an ongoing trade case on passenger vehicle and light truck (PVLT) tires against Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam which will have a final hearing May 25th. Many of you helped us defend the domestic industry and your job by testifying and reaching out to your Congressional Representatives on the importance and impacts in your facilities.

We need your help again.

Earlier this month, we told you about some overseas companies that are using “backdoor” methods to circumvent hard fought protections in our tire sector. We need you to call on Congress to declare tires as “import-sensitive” and remove them as eligible for a Generalized System Preference (GSP) preference, which could come up for renewal in the coming months. We will need your voices to get that done. (Click HERE to find out additional information about the GSP in our InfoAlert).

The intention of the GSP was always to help economically developing countries by giving them a preference. Globalization has changed how that happens. As companies and state owned enterprises move money and plants to countries with low labor standards, these preferences can hurt domestic industries and our members.

GSP has the ability to exclude products from this preference – they do that now for glass and steel. Our union has proven the domestic industry can be harmed by foreign imports by our winning track record on trade cases. Tires need to be removed from getting an unnecessary tariff benefit.

We Need Quick Action!

Email your Senators and Representative by clicking HERE!


Call them toll-free by dialing 866-202-5409 for your Representative, and 877-607-0785 for your Senators.

Tell them that the General Systems Preference (GSP) program needs to be modified to include tires as a “trade-sensitive” item.

The GSP was set up to help bring economically developing countries out of poverty, not allow foreign companies to undermine U.S. jobs. GSP should not be used as a tool to allow rule breakers to circumvent their duties; dump their cheap, subsidized products; and put Steelworker jobs at risk.

Click HERE for a printable version to distribute in your workplace.

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