What’s at Stake? Our Hard-Earned Benefits.

Latest News

By Joseph Smith

Last week, we shared an InfoAlert about the need to protect retirement security by ensuring Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are not held hostage in Congress as the debt ceiling solution is found.

On January 19th, 2023, the U.S. officially reached that borrowing limit and Congress must act by this summer to prevent the United States from defaulting on its debts. Raising the debt ceiling allows the government to pay the debts it has already incurred. We must stand up and demand that Congress keeps its hands off of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

Today, we are we are asking for your help in this effort. As the urgency to address the debt ceiling approaches, a growing number of lawmakers are advocating for cuts and other fundamental changes to undermine these programs. While some are pulling back on their statements, we plan to hold their feet to the fire to ensure no concessions are made off the backs of hard-working Americans.

We’re not sitting this one out. Here is what we need from you:

1. Have the resolution read and adopted at your next local union meeting. You can download the resolution HERE and the signature page HERE.

2. On the resolution itself, fill in your local union number, date, month, and sign off as the local.


SIGNED: USW Local 999

3. Have your Local Union officers sign the signature page.

4. Distribute the signature page around your worksite to have your members sign on. (Please make additional copies so every member can participate.)

5. Please mail the finished resolution and signature page to your District Rapid Response Coordinator so they can coordinate delivery to members of Congress. Make sure to include your name and contact information on the envelope. You can find that information HERE.

If your local does not have an active Rapid Response program, we want to set up a training to help you build one. Our District Coordinators are ready to support your team any way they can, so please contact yours for assistance. Stay tuned to Rapid Response and for additional education around this issue, and stay up to date on information around this effort by checking our website HERE.

Click HERE for a printable version to distribute in your workplace.

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(412) 562-2291 http://www.uswrr.org

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