Workers Memorial Day 2021: Renew the Promise; Safe Jobs for All

2021, Latest News

By Joseph Smith

A Message From Tom Conway, USW International President 

Fifty years ago on April 28, the Occupational Safety and Health Act went into effect, promising every worker the right to a safe job.

Unions have fought hard to make that promise a reality—winning protections that have made jobs safer and saved lives.

But our work is not done.

Each year, thousands of workers are killed and millions suffer injury or illness because of dangerous working conditions. The COVID-19 pandemic has also highlighted the inextricable link between workplace safety and health and our communities.

Join us tomorrow, April 28 at 10 a.m. EST, as we observe Workers Memorial Day—mourning those we have lost from COVID-19 and other workplace hazards, and renewing our fight for safe jobs.

You can watch at:

This year we have an opportunity to strengthen our rights and protections, so everyone can come home safely at the end of a work shift, and without chronic illnesses from exposures at work.

We are mobilizing to pass the PRO Act so workers have a voice on the job. We will stand united to strengthen workers’ rights and protections, and demand resources and actions needed for job safety enforcement. We will fight for the right of every worker to a safe job, until that promise is fulfilled.

As we grieve those we have lost, we will continue to push forward.

In Solidarity,


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