
Show Your Union Card For Great Discounts And More


Go to union Register on the Union Plus.Com  Website and see what your union membership and your membership card can do for you. Great discounts and more, Instantly access your FREE Union Plus Benefits Package — Including Free College, Vision, Prescription and Hearing Savings, And More

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CBA Pay Scales 2016-2022


View more MM4_2016    MM4_2017    MM4_2018-1    MM4_2018     MM4_2019 MM4_2020 MM4_2021 MM4_2022 MM5_2016   MM5_2017     MM5_2018-1    MM5_2018     MM5_2019 MM5_2020 MM5_2021 MM5_2022

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What Does The Union Do For You?


In good times, progress is made over several contracts. But in bad times, the union-negotiated contract makes it difficult and costly for the boss to treat you like workers without rights — to treat you like non-union workers. Typical USW contracts include: 1. Work Rules ...

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No Election Needed


To the Membership of SENA 9158 We are Proud to announce that since there were no challenges to any of the positions, there will be no need for an election, Nominations were held on March 22, 2018 and the membership spoke loud and clear on ...

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Janus is an attack on women


The Labor Wire March 1, 2018 Today marks the beginning of Women’s History Month, kicking off a celebration of the leaders, organizers and working women at the heart of the fight for social and economic justice. As women continue to organize, march and run for ...

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Electronic Paystubs Reminder


Consistent with Article XXIV. Section 3 (Direct Deposit) of the recent MOA the City and SENA agreed upon, the City intends to move to electronic paystubs effective February 9th 2018. Accordingly ,paystubs beginning with February 9th 2018, pay checks will be viewable and printable on ...

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