Ensuring Affordable and Accessible Health Care


Ensuring Affordable and Accessible Health Care USW Core Values Educational Series – Issue 3 The labor movement has always fought for affordable healthcare for workers and their families, both through collective bargaining and legislatively. But even with our ability to bargain, union members far too often must ...

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Protecting Our Right to Collectively Bargain


USW Core Values Educational Series – Issue 2 Protecting Our Right to Collectively BargainUSW Core Values Educational Series – Issue 2For decades, CEOs and their well-heeled lobbyists have found allies in anti-union lawmakers. These partnerships have resulted in anti-union laws like so-called right to work and the appointment of ...

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Protecting Our Right to Collectively Bargain


Protecting Our Right to Collectively BargainUSW Core Values Educational Series – Issue 1Our union understood right from the beginning that we couldn’t rely solely on negotiations to better our members’ lives. We would also have to push our government to act. Elected officials could help us by passing ...

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Information Alert


Protecting Our Nation’s Workers Information on emergency legislative responses to the Covid-19 pandemic. Our nation is facing an unprecedented crisis. As Congress debates measures to address the health and economic concerns that impact all of us, our union is working diligently to make sure we ...

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To All of Our Members, Please be assured the Union continues to monitor the situation and is speaking with the City daily to ensure the safety and well being of our members. Please stay safe and take care of your families. In solidarity Joe Smith ...

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